North Wildwood
Admiral Resort - 7200 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-7704
Acacia Motor Inn - St.
Louis Ave. and Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-2233
Adventurer Inn
- Morning Glory Ave. and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 729-1200
Ala Kai Motel - 8301 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Aladdin Motel - 208 E Forget-Me-Not Road, Wildwood Crest -
American Safari Motel - 5610
Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-9388
Angel Inn Motel
- 5612 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest
- 522-0010
Apollo Motel - 407 E St Paul Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Aqua Beach Resort
- Morning Glory Rd. and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6507
Armada By The Sea -
Forget-Me Not Road and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 729-3000
Astronaut Motel - Stockton Rd. and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Atlantic San's Motel Apartments - 7600 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-1813
Attache Resort Motel
- 5707 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0241
Avanti Motel -
406 E Lavender Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1377
Aztec Motel - 411 E Lavender Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-7000
Bal Harbour Oceanfront Hotels
- Stanton Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-3343
Bali Hi Motel and Apartments - Louisville Ave. and Beach,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6733
Beach Colony Motel - 500 E. Stockton Road, Wildwood Crest -
Beau Rivage Motor Inn - 9103 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest
- 729-2121
Bel Air Motel - 5510 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-4235
Blue Marlin Motel - Atlantic Ave. and Toledo Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-3556
Blue Water Motel - 8600 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Biscayne Motel -
7807 Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest - 522-4444
Bonanza Motel - Stockton Road and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-0502
Breezy Corner Motel - 7901 Seaview, Wildwood Crest - 522-2849
Bristol Plaza - Rosemary Road and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 729-1234
Cape Cod Inn Motel - 6110 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Cara Mara Motel
-400 Fern Road and Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6951
Carriage Stop Motel
- Atlantic and St Paul Avenues, Wildwood Crest - 522-6400
Caribbean Motel - 5600 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Carousel Motel - 5700 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1300
Carriage Stop Motel - Atlantic and St. Paul Avenues, Wildwood
Crest - 522-6400
Casa Bahama Motel - Orchid Road and Atlantic Avenue - ,
Wildwood Crest - 522-5500
Casa Nova Motel - 7500 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Catalina Motel - 405 E. Atlanta Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Cavalier Motel - Toledo Ave. and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Coliseum Beach Resort - Miami Avenue and the Beach, Wildwood
Crest - 729-4444
Colonial Court Apartments - 210 E Buttercup Road, Wildwood
Crest - 522-8161
Commander-By-the-Sea Motel - 8803 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-2802
Compass Motel - Ocean and Rosemary Road, Wildwood Crest -
Conca D'Or Motel - Stanton Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Cozy Crest - 7210 Seaview Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0200
Crest Motel - 414 E. Farragut Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest
- 522-2625
Crown Motel - Louisville Avenue and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Crusader Oceanfront Resort
- Cardinal Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-6991
Diamond Crest Motel - 7011 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Dollison's Seashore Apartments - 8300 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-7271
Dunes Motel - 7311
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-5211
Earle Motel - 8700 Seaview Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6711
Ebb Tide Motel - 5711 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Eileen Motel - 5703 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-4214
El Coronado Motor Inn
- 8601 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-1000
El Reno Motel - 8001 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Euronet-Island Time Resort Motel - 5701 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-3410
Fleur de Lis Motel - Ocean Avenue and Sweetbriar Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-0123
Four Winds Motel - Denver Avenue and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Frontier Motel - 404 E Nashville Road, Wildwood Crest -
Gibson House - 5800 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-7125
Gold Crest Resort Motel
- 6611 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0153
Gondolier Motel -
Lavender Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-6974
Granada Resort Motel
- 8801 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-9020
Hawaii Kai Motor Inn
- Ocean Avenue and Farragut Road, Wildwood
Crest - 522-8181
Hialeah Resort Motel - 6211
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6655
Hi-Lili Motel - 7310 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-2451
Holiday Hotel and Motel - 6311
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-4002
Imperial 500 Motel - 6601
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6063
Island Time Motel - 5701
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-5326
Jolly Roger Motel
- 6805 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6915
Kona Kai Motel - 7300 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-7778
La Vita Resort Motel - 8400 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-1002
Lampliter Motel - 419 E. Atlanta Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Liberty Bell Motel Style Apartments - 215 E. Monterey Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 846-0512
Lotus Inn- 6900
Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6300
Lotus Motel and Apartments - 205 E Lotus Road, Wildwood Crest
- 729-5524
Madrid Ocean Resort
- Miami
Avenue and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 729-1600
Mariner Motel
- 407 E Monterey Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-1849
Mark I Motel -
417 E Atlanta Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-7700
Memory Motel - 7601 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Monta Cello Motel
- 8400 Seaview Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-4758
Monterey Condominiums - 410 E. Monterey
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6282
Motel Villa Nova - 8601 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Mount Vernon Hotel - 124 E Lotus Road, Wildwood Crest -
Nassau Inn - Sweetbriar Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Nautilus Motel -
6401 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-2177
Nomad Motel - Myrtle Road and Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest
- 522-4911
Ocean Crest Lodge -
5300 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5657
Ocean Holiday Motor Inn
- Ocean Avenue and Rosemary Road,
Wildwood Crest - 729-2900
Ocean Side Motel - Beach and Farragut
Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-6406
Oceanview Motel - Rambler Road and Ocean, Wildwood Crest -
Olympic Motor Inn - Columbine Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest
- 522-0206
Palm Beach Motel - 6707 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Pan American Hotel
Crocus Roa. and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6936
Park Lane Motel
5900 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-5900
Paradise Inn
Ocean Resort - Denver and the Beach, Wildwood Crest -
6600 Motor Inn - 9701 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-6600
Pink Orchid Motel - Orchid and
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-3770
Port Royal Hotel
Palm Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 729-2000
Preston Manor Motel and Apartments - 122
E Preston Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6772
Pyramid Resort Motel - Atlantic Avenue and St Paul Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-9527
Rambler Motel/Apartments - 7109 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-4652
Red Horse On the Lake Motel Apartments - 7705 New Jersey
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1667
Regal Plaza Motor Inn - 9501 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest
Reges Resort
- 9201 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest
- 729-9300
Royal Hawaiian Resort
Orchid Road
and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-3414
Sand Castle Motel - Stockton
and Ocean Avenues, Wildwood Crest - 846-1200
Sand Dune Motel - 6905 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Sea Chest Motel -
7401 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1356
Sands Resort - 8500 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Saratoga Inn - 7505 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-7712
Satellite Motel - 5909 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Sea Drift Motel Apartments - 301 E Lavender Road, Wildwood
Crest - 522-6112
Sea Scape Inn - 400 E Crocus Road, Wildwood Crest - 729-2200
Shalimar Motel
- 6405 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0609
Singapore Motel - Orchid Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Silver Beach Motel - 412 E Nashville Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Silver Dollar Motel - 7405 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
South Beach Motel - 400 E Miami Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Summer Sand Motel - 405 E Syracuse Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Sun Tan Motel and Apartments - 7511 Seaview Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 729-0115
Swan Motel - Stockton Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Tahiti Motel - 7411 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Tamarac - 5600 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-5316
Tangiers Resort Motel 6201
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1414
Tempo Motel - 7801 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 523-0700
Three Coins Motel - Atlantic
Avenue and Farragut Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-1169
Topaz Motel
7010 Seaview Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Town and Country Motel - 417 E.
Farragut Road, Wildwood Crest - 522- 7723
Town House Motel
8200 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Viking Motel
Columbine Road and Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6610
Villa Nova Motel
- 8601 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1419
V I P Motel
- 6505 Atlantic Avenue and Forget-Me-Not Road, Wildwood Crest -
Waikiki Oceanfront Inn - 6211 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0115
Waters Edge Motel - 5600 Beach Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-9440
Waterways Motel - 7204 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-2255
White San's Motel Apartment - 206 E
Rambler Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-6459
Yankee Clipper Motor Inn - Cardinal Road
and Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0234
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