North Wildwood
Wildwood Crest
North Wildwood
Wildwood Crest
5100 Motel - 5100
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4000
A&A Motel - 303 E
Andrews Avenue, Wildwood - 729-1100
AA Heart
of Wildwood Hotel - 3915 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-4090
AA Heart of Wildwood Hotel
- 4002 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4007
Al Sann Beachhugger Motel
- 3rd Avenue, Wildwood - 729-0222
Ala Moana
Resort Motel - 5300
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 729-7666
Alton Motel - 235 E
Wildwood Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7679
Amazing Grace's Inn -
128 E Andrews Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7191
Ambler Motel - 234 E
Garfield Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3159
American Inn Motel -
13th Avenue, Wildwood - 729-7700
Anchor Inns Motel -
Davis and New Jersey Avenues, Wildwood -
Angela's Place Inc -
419 E Magnolia Avenue, Wildwood - 729-2631
Anna's Apartments -
245 E Taylor Avenue, Wildwood - 729-9252
Aquarius Motor Inn -
4712 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 729-0054
Arlington Hotel - 325
E Magnolia Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3321
Atlantic Motel and
Restaurant - 4600 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2466
Bala Motel of Wildwood
- 4110 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0006
Baysea Motel - 320 W
Rio Grande Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2666
Barcelona Motel - St
Louis and Atlantic Avenues, Wildwood -
Beach Motel - 230 E
Lincoln Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3487
Beach Cove Motel- 425
E 20th Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3062
Beach Hotel - 231 E
Lincoln Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3487
Beach Rest Motel - 425
E 25th Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4427
Beach Terrace Motor Inn
- Oak and Atlantic Avenues, Wildwood -
Beachwood Hotel - 210
E Montgomery Avenue, Wildwood - 729-0608
Best Value Inn - 4110
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3765
Binns Motor Inn - 3900
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2251
Blue Heron Motel-
124 W Roberts Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3005
Blue Jay Motel - 511
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3311
Bolero Motel and Lounge
Cocktail - 3320 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-6929
Bonito Motel - 236 E
Spencer Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7825
Braun's Sea Scape -
217 E Magnolia Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2295
- Atlantic and Garfield Avenues, Wildwood -
Buccaneer Motel - 503
E 19th Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4121
Calypso Motel - 308 E
Spencer Avenue, Wildwood - 729-3939
Capri Court - 248 E
Burk, Wildwood - 522-4528
Capri Motel - 246 E
Andrews Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1967
Caprice Motel - 4200
Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3845
Casa Del Ray Apartments
- 3000 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0139
Casa Del
Sol Motel - Ocean and
Roberts Avenue, Wildwood - 729-2727
Casa Julia - 246 E
Leaming Avenue, Wildwood - 729-1437
Castaway Motel - 3700
Atlantic Avenue,Wildwood - 522-1965
Chateau Bleu Motel - 911 Surf Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2822
Christine Motor Inn - 4300 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8117
Clarem Hotel Happy Days Inn - 312 E
Garfield Avenue, Wildwood - 523-8505
Clearview Hotel - 317 E Poplar
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0985
Clifton Hotel - 320 E Glenwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4119
Coral Reef Motel - 7th and Beach
Drive, Wildwood - 522-1710
Cozy Inn - 120 E Burk Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-0102
Crescent Court Apartments - 328 E
26th Avenue, Wildwood - 729-0396
Crestview Inn - 118 E Taylor Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-6216
Crystal Sands Motel - 307 E Hand
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6374
Cypress Inn - 303 E Andrews Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-1110
Dawn Motel - 4300 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-3193
Days Inn
- Ocean and Andrew Avenues, Wildwood -
Deco Resort Motel - 320 E Magnolia
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2114
Diplomat - 225 E
Wildwood Avenue, Wildwood - 729-5200
Driftwood Motel - 16th E Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2871
Doris Vernon Hotel - 306 E Pine
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8466
Du Bois Hotel - 351 E Wildwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 729-1113
Dolphin - Atlantic and Bennett
Avenues, Wildwood - 522-1930
El Coqui Motel - 229 E Poplar Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-1501
El Ray Motel - 4800 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2267
Emandee Motel - 220 E Garfield
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7416
English Grille - 235 E Wildwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7679
Erniss Motel - 251 E Burk Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-6344
Esplande Motel - 230 E Taylor Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-7890
Fantasy Motel - 131 W
Rio Grande Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8551
Fiorda's Motel - 113 E
Leaming Avenue, Wildwood - 729-1041
Flamingo Terrace Motel
- 229 E Pine Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5113
Fontaine Motel - 415 E 4th Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-3562
Fountain Motel -
Atlantic and Andrews Avenues, Wildwood -
Fowler Motel - 216 E
Poplar Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5077
Frances Apartments -
146 E Spencer Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5137
Garden Manor Motel - 1600 Surf
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1010
Germantown Hotel - 209 E Spencer
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3545
Gettysburg Hotel - 212 E Poplar
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6522
Golden Rail Motel - 1702 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0616
Gondola Motel and Court Apartments -
225 E Baker Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2664
Harbor Mist Motel
- 511 E 11th Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7282
Harrison Hotel - 319 E Pine Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-8134
Heart of
Wildwood Motel - Ocean and
Spencer Avenues, Wildwood - 522-4224
Heartbreak Hotel - 223 E Glenwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 729-6141
Hotel Lessington - 310 E Garfield
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2561
Isle of
- 3200 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4512
JR's - 220 E Spencer Avenue, Wildwood
- 522-0155
Jay's Motel - Atlantic and Hildreth
Avenues, Wildwood - 522- 1867
Key Motel - 5011 New Jersey Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-8142
Resort Motel
- 4111 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8211
Lamp Post Beach Apartments - 442 E
21st Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3361
Motel - 225 E Schellenger
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2442
Le Grande Motel - 427 W Baker Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-7102
Le Voyageur Motel - 232 E Andrew
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6407
Lisa's Motel - 247 E Burk Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-8393
Little Jetty - 233 E
Maple Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3181
Lu Fran Motel - 5106
Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1446
Magnolia Motel - 320 E
Magnolia Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2114
- 209 E Spicer Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2067
Maple Court - 233 E
Maple Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3181
Maple Leaf - 320 E
Maple Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2541
Maple Motel - 107 E
Maple Avenue, Wildwood - 729-8298
Marina Bay Motel -
4901 Susquehanna Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7762
MarLane Motel - 4310
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7463
Martinique Motel - 344 E Wildwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7771
Matador Motel - 16th and Beach,
Wildwood - 522-9451
Michael and Marys Motel - 1401 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3330
Mikayla's Cove
- 307 E Hildreth Avenue, Wildwood -
215 850-0703
Mokary's Seafoam Motel - 4110
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3765
Monaco Motel - 4211 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2269
Most Poplar
Inn - 305 E Poplar Avenue, Wildwood -
Motel Blue Anchor
- Madison and Virginia Avenues, Wildwood -
Nantucket Motel - 4100 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-7423
Newport Motel - Rio
Grande Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4911
North Beach Hotel -
307 E Poplar Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1647
North Beach Properties LLC
- 317 E Poplar Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0985
Nova Motel - 4302 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-3149
Oakview Hotel - 315
Oak Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2768
Ocean Breeze Motel -
312 E Hand Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7100
Ocean Construction
- 333 E Baker Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2004
Oceanic Motel - 4600 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-6500
Old San Juan - 107 E
Lincoln Avenue, Wildwood - 729-6400
- 240 E Lincoln Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5145
Overbrook Apartments - 126 E Roberts Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8002
Pan-A-Lu Motel and Apartments - 242 E
Youngs Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3037
Pelican Motel - 309 E Pine Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2272
Petty's Motel - 420 W Roberts Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-0464
Pilgrims Pride Motel - 5209 New
Jersey Avenue, Wildwood - 729-1621
Pink Champagne Motel - Hand and
Atlantic Avenues, Wildwood - 522-4857
Poolside Motel - 248 E Bennett
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1778
Poplar Motel -
217 E Poplar Avenue, Wildwood - 522-9480
Premiere Motel - 241 E Wildwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 729-0050
Pulaski Motor Inn - 4010 E Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-9116
Quebec by the Sea Motel
- 3811 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4664
Quarter Deck 1 - 320 E
Pine Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5415
Rio Motel - 4800 Rio
Grande Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1461
Riviera Motel - Spencer and Ocean
Avenues, Wildwood - 522-5353
Rose Marie Manor - Lincoln Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-7392
Rosemont Hotel - 230 E Glenwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6204
Royal Canadian
Motel - 3300 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0950
Royal Court Motel - 4301 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5398
Royal Inn Hotel - 211
E Youngs Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0988
Rus Mar Motel - 5010
Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5080
San Remo Motel Apartments
- 235 E Taylor Avenue, Wildwood -
Sand Dollar Motel - 903 Surf Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-1234
Motel - 5310 Park
Boulevard, Wildwood - 846-1200
Sandy Cove Motel - 241 E Youngs
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4997
Sea Cove Motel - 323 E Wildwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2673
Sea Gull
Motel - Cresse and
Atlantic Avenues, Wildwood - 522-3333
Sea Kist Motel - Hildreth and Ocean
Avenues, Wildwood - 522-6281
Sea-N-Sun Motel -
3909 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2826
Sea Osprey Motel - 240 E Lincoln
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5145
Sea Ray Motel - 5006 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-0212
Sea Shell Motel -
Rio Grande and Atlantic Avenues, Wildwood -
Sea Winds Motel - 4508 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8093
Seafoam Motel - 4110 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-3765
Seashore Apartments - 317 E Magnolia
Avenue, Wildwood - 729-1944
Shell Inn - 122 E Schellenger Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-1099
Ship-Ahoy Motel - 4300 Washington
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6771
Shore Plaza Motel - 2600 Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 522-6010
Silver Sands Motel - 803 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4743
- 3917 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5082
Sonata Motel - 2703
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 729-0967
Stardust Motel - 3900
Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1983
Motel - 5100 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood -
- Rio Grande and Atlantic Avenues, Wildwood
- 522-7412
Sterling Harbor Motel and
Marina - 1020 W Rio Grande Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-5222
Sunflower Motel - 313
E Glenwood Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8241
Sunrise Motel - 233 E
Taylor Avenue, Wildwood - 523-8002
Sunrise Motel LLC -
317 E Magnolia Avenue, Wildwood - 523-2200
Sunrise Summer Resort
- 233 E Taylor Avenue, Wildwood - 523-8002
Surf Comber Motel - 4800 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2267
Surf Lane Motel & Apartments - 24th
and Surf Avenues, Wildwood - 522-2138
Tally Ho Motel - 305 E Bennett
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6564
Telstar - 422 E 4th Avenue, Wildwood
- 729-1907
Tess-Sea Room and Apartments - 107 E
Magnolia Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5731
Tide Winds Motel - 231 E Davis
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-0901
Tower Motel Inc - 430 W Rio Grande
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5800
Trio Apartments - 221 E Glenwood
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6996
Tropicana Motel - 305 E Youngs
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8483
Twilight Motel - 210 E Spicer Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-3774
Villa Bay Motel - 410
Youngs Avenue, Wildwood - 522-9770
Voyageur Motel - 232 E
Andrews Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6407
Vista Del Mar - 4906 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-677
West Isle Motel - 539 W Maple Avenue,
West Wildwood - 729-6877
White Star Motel - Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-4244
William Inn - 229 E Poplar Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-1501
Williams Apartments - 205 E Spencer
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4466
Windward Motel - 5200 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-5667
Yorkshire Terrace - 2111 Surf Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-6240
Top of Page
Admiral Resort -
7200 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-7704
Motor Inn - St. Louis
Ave. and Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Adventurer Inn
- Morning Glory and Ocean Avenues, Wildwood
Crest - 729-1200
Ala Kai Motel
- 8301 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Aladdin Motel - 208 E Forget-Me-Not
Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-0333
Safari Motel
- 5610 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Angel Inn Motel
- 5612 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Apollo Motel
- 407 E St Paul Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Aqua Beach
Resort - Morning Glory
Rd. and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Armada By
The Sea - Forget-Me Not
Road and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 729-3000
Motel -
Stockton Rd.
and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-6981
Atlantic San's
Motel Apartments
- 7600
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1813
Resort Motel - 5707
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0241
Avanti Motel
- 406 E Lavender Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-1377
Aztec Motel - 411 E Lavender Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-7000
Harbour Oceanfront Hotels
- Stanton Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Bali Hi Motel
and Apartments
- Louisville
Ave. and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-6733
Beach Colony
- 500
E. Stockton Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-4037
Beau Rivage
Motor Inn
- 9103
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-2121
Bel Air Motel
5510 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-4235
Motel - 7807 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-4444
Blue Marlin
- Atlantic
Ave. and Toledo Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Blue Water
- 8600
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-8340
Motel - Stockton Road and Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-0502
Breezy Corner
- 7901 Seaview,
Wildwood Crest - 522-2849
Bristol Plaza
Rosemary Road and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 729-1234
Cape Cod Inn
- 6110
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1177
Cara Mara
- Fern Road and Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-6951
Stop Motel
- Atlantic and St Paul
Avenues, Wildwood Crest - 522-6400
Caribbean Motel - 5600 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-8292
- 5700 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Carriage Stop Motel - Atlantic and St.
Paul Avenues, Wildwood Crest - 522-6400
Casa Bahama Motel - Orchid Road and
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-5500
Casa Nova
Motel - 7500 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-2000
Catalina Motel - 405 E. Atlanta Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-9430
Motel - Toledo
Ave. and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-0521
Beach Resort - Miami
Avenue and the Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Colonial Court Apartments - 210 E
Buttercup Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-8161
Commander-By-the-Sea Motel - 8803
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-2802
Compass Motel - Ocean and Rosemary Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6948
Conca D'Or Motel - Stanton Road and
Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-1439
Cozy Crest - 7210 Seaview Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-0200
Crest Motel - 414 E. Farragut Road and
Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-2625
Crown Motel - Louisville Avenue and
Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-2483
Oceanfront Resort
- Cardinal
Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-6991
Crest Motel
- 7011 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Seashore Apartments - 8300 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-7271
- 7311 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
- 8700 Seaview Avenue, Wildwood Crest
- 522-6711
Ebb Tide
- 5711 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Motel - 5703 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 729-4214
Coronado Motor Inn
- 8601 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-1000
El Reno
- 8001 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Time Resort Motel
- 5701
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-3410
Fleur de Lis
- Ocean Avenue
and Sweetbriar Road, Wildwood Crest -
Four Winds
- Denver
Avenue and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 729-4535
- 404 E
Nashville Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-4492
House - 5800
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-7125
Gold Crest
Resort Motel - 6611 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-0153
- Lavender Road and Beach, Wildwood
Crest - 522-6974
Resort Motel - 8801 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-9020
Kai Motor Inn - Ocean Avenue
and Farragut Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-8181
Resort Motel
- 6211 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Hi-Lili Motel
- 7310 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Hotel and Motel - 6311 Pacific Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 729-4002
500 Motel - 6601 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6063
Island Time Motel
- 5701
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-5326
Roger Motel
6805 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6915
Kona Kai
Motel - 7300 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-7778
La Vita
Resort Motel -
8400 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Motel - 419 E. Atlanta Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-2776
Bell Motel Style Apartments - 215 E.
Monterey Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 846-0512
Lotus Inn
- 6900 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-6300
Lotus Motel
and Apartments - 205 E Lotus Road,
Wildwood Crest - 729-5524
Ocean Resort - Miami
Avenue and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 729-1600
Motel -
407 E Monterey
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1849
Mark I
Motel - 417 E Atlanta Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-7700
Motel - 7601 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-3026
Cello Motel - 8400 Seaview
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-4758
Condominiums - 410 E. Monterey Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6282>
Motel Villa
Nova - 8601 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-1419
Vernon Hotel - 124 E Lotus Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-8275
Nassau Inn
- Sweetbriar Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest
- 729-9077
Nautilus Motel-
6401 Atlantic Avenue, Wildw/ood Crest -
Nomad Motel - Myrtle Road and
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-4911
Ocean Crest Lodge-
5300 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood - 522-5657
Holiday Motor Inn
Ocean Avenue
and Rosemary Road, Wildwood Crest - 729-2900
Ocean Side
Motel - Beach and Farragut Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6406
- Rambler Road and Ocean, Wildwood Crest -
Motor Inn - Columbine Road and Beach,
Wildwood Crest - 522-0206
Palm Beach
Motel - 6707 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-0611
American Hotel -
Crocus Roa.
and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6936
Park Lane
Motel -
5900 Ocean
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-5900
Inn Ocean Resort
- 405 East
Denver and the Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Pier 66
Motor Inn
- 9701 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Pink Orchid
Motel - Orchid and Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 729-3770
Port Royal
Hotel - Palm Road and Beach,
Wildwood Crest - 729-2000
Preston Manor Motel and Apartments -
122 E Preston Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Pyramid Resort Motel - Atlantic
Avenue and St Paul Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Rambler Motel/Apartments - 7109
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-4652
Red Horse On the Lake Motel Apartments
- 7705 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Regal Plaza
Motor Inn
- 9501 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest
Resort - 9201 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-9300
Hawaiian Resort -
Orchid Road
and Beach, Wildwood Crest - 522-3414
Sand Castle
Motel - Stockton and Ocean Avenues,
Wildwood Crest - 846-1200
Sand Dune
Motel - 6905 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-6131
Sea Chest Motel -
7401 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Resort - 8500 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-8500
Inn - 7505 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest
- 522-7712
Motel - 5909 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-5650
Sea Drift
Motel Apartments - 301 E Lavender Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6112
Sea Scape Inn - 400 E Crocus Road,
Wildwood Crest - 729-2200
Shalimar Motel
- 6405 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Orchid Road and Beach, Wildwood Crest -
Beach Motel
- 412 E Nashville Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Dollar Motel - 7405 Ocean Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-7828
Beach Motel-
400 E Miami Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Summer Sand
Motel - 405 E Syracuse Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-5352
Sun Tan
Motel and Apartments - 7511 Seaview
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-0115
Motel - Stockton Road and Beach,
Wildwood Crest - 522-3459
Motel - 7411 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-2984
- 5600 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Tangiers Resort
Motel -
6201 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1414
Tempo Motel
- 7801 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Three Coins Motel
- Atlantic Avenue and
Farragut Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-1169
Topaz Motel
7010 Seaview
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-02723
Town and
Country Motel - 417 E. Farragut Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522- 7723
Town House Motel
8200 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1787
Viking Motel
- Columbine
Road and Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Villa Nova
Motel - 8601 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-1419
V I P Motel
- 6505 Atlantic Avenue and Forget-Me-Not
Road, Wildwood Crest - 522-2550
Viking Motel - Columbine Road and
Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-6610
Villa Nova Motel - 8601 Atlantic
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1419
Oceanfront Inn
- 6211 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest -
Waters Edge
Motel - 5600 Beach Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-9440
Motel - 7204 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-2255
White San's
Motel Apartment - 206 E Rambler Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-6459
Clipper Motor Inn
- Cardinal Road and Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-0234
Top Of Page
North Wildwood
Oceanfront Resort - 3rd
Avenue and Beach, North Wildwood - 522-5400
Alante Motor Inn - 8th Avenue and JFK
Beach Drive, North Wildwood - 522-0733
Aloha - 3rd and Beach, North Wildwood
- 522-5566
A Shore View Condominium Motel - 505
E 4th Avenue - 522-7272
Athens 1 Motel - 1400 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-1308
Athens 11 Motel - 2nd and Ocean
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-7277
Avalon Motel and Apartments - 411 E
26th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-8409
*Bayberry Motel
- 401E 23rd Avenue, North Wildwood -
Beach Cove Motel - 429
E 20th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-3062
Beach Hugger - 3rd and
Ocean Avenues, North Wildwood - 729-0222-
Beachport Motel - 312
E 17th Avenue, North Wildwood - 523-9000
Beach Rest - 425 E
25th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4427
Bird of Paradise - 333
E 26th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-5628
Blue Diamond Motel -
333 E 26th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-5628
Breakers Motel - 10th
and Ocean Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-8305
Brigadoon Apartments -
1605 Ocean Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4121
Buccaneer Motel - 503
E 19th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-8467
Candlelight Inn Bed and
Breakfast - 2310 Central Avenue, North
Wildwood - 522-6200
Capri Isle Motel - 5th
and Ocean Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-1991
Cardinal Motel - 23rd
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4078
Carideon Motel - 2200
Atlantic Avenue, North Wildwood - 729-7900
Caribbean Breeze Motel
- Surf Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-7789
Carroll Motel - 4th
and Ocean Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-0388
Central Motor Inn -
2409 Central Avenue, North Wildwood -
Chateau Apartments and
Motel - 411 E 4th Avenue, North Wildwood
- 522-0421
Chateau Bleu Motel -
911 Surf Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-2822
Cherry Hill Apartments
- 415 E 22nd Avenue, North Wildwood -
Condor Motel - 16th
and Ocean Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-0918
Continental Motel - 8th Avenue and
JFK Beach Drive, North Wildwood - 522-0733
Desales Court - 416 E 22nd Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-4274
Motel and Apartments -
438 E 21st Avenue and Beach, North Wildwood
- 522-5275
Driftwood Motel - 16th
and Atlantic Avenues, North Wildwood -
El Capitan Motel -
2300 Surf Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-1974
El Morro Motel - 10th
and Ocean Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-7805
European Condominiums - 300 Ocean
Avenue, North Wildwood - 729-4622
Erin Shores - 2504
Atlantic Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-2923
Florentine Motor
1901 Surf Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4075
Flame Inn Motel - 23rd and Surf
Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-7441
Flying Dutchman Motel
- 705 Ocean Avenue, North Wildwood -
Fran Celia Motel - 1504 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-4428
7 Motel Apartments
- 701 Ocean Avenue, North Wildwood -
Galaxie Motel-
510 E 11th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-1646
Gazebo Tours - 23rd and Atlantic
Avenure, North Wildwood - 729-2800
Gall Ruth Mrs Motel - 23rd and Surf
Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-7441
Garden State Motor Inn - Beachfront
and 2nd Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-5379
Golden Rail Motel -
1702 Ocean Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-0616
Golden Tiara Motel - 1201 Surf
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-3286
Golden Way Motel - 1111 New Jersey
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-5150
Grecian Gardens Motel - 17th &
Atlantic Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-1260
Grey Manor Motel - 2100 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-2560
Hamilton Motel - 1800 Atlantic
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-2661
Harbor Light Motor Inn - 3rd and
Ocean Avenues, North Wildwood - 729-5567
Harbor Mist Motel - 511 E 11th
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-7282
Horizon Motor Inn -
401 E 21st N Wildwood Avenue, North Wildwood
- 729-2049
Hotel Burd Nest - 307 E 24th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-3232
Idlewood Hotel - 316 E 17th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-5950
Isle Of Capri Motel - 5th & Ocean
Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-1991
Ivanhoe Motel and
Apartments -
430 E 21st Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-5874
Jade East Motel - 510 E 4th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-1867
Kelly Wm A Motel - 331 E 16th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-1570
Kings Inn Motel - 23rd & Boardwalk,
North Wildwood - 522-7508
Kismet Motel - 510 Surf Avenue, North
Wildwood - 522-3448
Lampost Beach Motel -
442 E 21st Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-3361
Le Boot Motel - 510 E
14th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-0500
Le Marquee Motel - 2001 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-7070
Lighthouse Motel - E 16th and Surf
Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-2034
Lisa's Family Motel LLC - 2110 Surf
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-0295
Lollipop Motel - 23rd and Atlantic
Avenues, North Wildwood - 729-2800
Long Beach Lodge -
9th & Beach, Wildwood - 522-1520
Lurae Motel - 7th and Surf Avenues,
North Wildwood - 522-1656
Majestic Motel & Apartments - 405 E
7th Avenue, North Wildwood - 729-6900
Mali Kai
- 417 E 19th Avenue, North Wildwood -
Malibu Motel -
431 E 19th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4766
Mary Ann Motel - 421 E 23rd Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-6231
Matador Motel - 16th and Beach, North
Wildwood - 522-9471
Mediterranean Motel -
405 Ocean Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-0112
Montego Bay
- 1700 Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 523-1000
Nancy Lee Motel Apartments - 317 E
24th Avenue. North Wildwood - 522-4328
New England Motel - 11th and New
Jersey Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-7250
Northwind Motel - 401 Ocean Avenue,
North Wildwood, - 522-0746
Notre Dame Motel - 2201 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-8201
Ocean Corner Motel - 1610 Ocean
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-1700
Ocean East Motel Apartments - 413 E
25th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-1657
Oceanside 1501 Apartments - 1501
Ocean Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-8479
Ocean Winds Motel - 7th and Ocean
Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-6264
Oceanaire - 4th and Ocean Avenue,
North Wildwood - 729-1907
One James Plaza Associates Inc - 13th
Avenue and Beach, North Wildwood - 522-6550
Oxmead Properties Duplex - 317 E 8th
Avenue, North Wildwood - 261-6670
Packard Motel - 26th and Surf
Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-5295
Palm Motel - 317 E 25th Avenue, North
Wildwood - 522-3769
Palm Crest Motel - 418 E 24th
Avenue,North Wildwood - 522-1034
Panoramic Motel and Apartments -
21st E Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-1181
Paradise Cove Motel - 407 Surf
Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7315
Rest Cove Motel - 511 E 11th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-7282
Roman Holiday -
1000 Kennedy Beach Drive, North Wildwood -
Rossi Jos Motel - 333 E 26th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-5628
Royal Sands Motel - 1309 Ocean
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-9386
Sahara Motel - 510 E 18th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-2400
Sandpiper Motel - 1600 Ocean Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-7129
Sandy Court Apartments - 300 E 24th
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-5878
Sandy Shores Motel -
2511 Atlantic Avenue, North Wildwood -
Sans Motel - 221 E 23rd Avenue, North
Wildwood - 522-5553
Sans Souci
Motel - 21st Avenue and
Beach, North Wildwood - 522-1601
Se-Wil Motel - 331 E 16th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-1570
Sea Aire Motel - 521 E 9th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-2144
Sea Edge Motel - 15th Avenue and
Beach, North Wildwood - 522-3100
Sea Gull Apartments - 401 E 22nd
Avenue, North Wildwood - 729-3365
Sea Horse Motel - 1908 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-1058
Sea N Surf Motel - 420 E 22nd Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-6679
Sea Rose Motel - 1103 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-5131
Sea Star Motel - 1504 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-4428
Sea Winds Motel - 4508 Atlantic
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-1870
Seagull Apartments - 401 E 22nd
Avenue, North Wildwood - 729-3365
Sheery Motel - 400 E 25th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-1732
Shore View Condominium Motel -505 E
4th, North Wildwood - 522-7272
Showboat Motel Apartments - 401 E
15th Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-0300
Silver Sands Motel - 803 Ocean
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4743
Sombrero Motel - 422 E 16th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-7223
Starlite Motel - 505 E 13th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-6250
Sting Ray Motel - 310 E 17th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-9628
Suitcase Motel - 1500 New Jersey
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-7208
Sun Haven Motel and Apartments - 301
E 24th and Atlantic Avenues, North Wildwood
- 522-2361
Sun-N-Sand Apartments - 1108 Surf
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-2017
Sun-Rest Motel - 411 E 23rd Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-1448
Surf 16 Motel - 1600 Surf Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-1010
Surf and Bay Motel - 304 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-4551
Surf Haven Motel - 1601 Surf Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-7843
Surf Holiday Motel - 802 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-7265
Surf Lane Motel and Apartments - 24th
and Surf Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-2138
Surf Motel - 400 E 25th Avenue, North
Wildwood - 609-522-1732
Surfrider Motel - 5th & Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-7789
Surf Side 7 - 701 Surf Avenue, North
Wildwood - 522-7647
Surf 16 Motel - 1600 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-1010
Surf Song Motel
- 1800 Ocean Avenue, North Wildwood -
Thunderbird Inn - 23rd
and Surf Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-6901
Tides Apartments & Motel - 1701 Ocean
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4179
Time and Tide Motel -
11th Avenue and Beach, North Wildwood -
Trylon Motel - 13th Avenue & Beach,
North Wildwood - 522-6550
Tuscany Motor Inn - 1900 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 729-0555
Twenty Fourth Street
Motel - 2401 Surf Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-8334
White Cap Motel - 310 E 25th Avenue,
North Wildwood - 522-4393
White Sails Motel - 421 E 22nd
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-9189
Wildwood Crest
Top of Page

1701 New Jersey Avenue - North
Wildwood, NJ 08260
Office: 609.522.4999
